
If I Should Fall From Grace With God & Rum, Sodomy And The Lash

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Інформація про продукт

Кількість носіїв
2 (LP)
Дата релiзу

LP1 If I Should Fall From Grace With God (1988)
1. If I should fall from grace with god
2. Turkish song of the damned
3. Bottle of smoke
4. Fairytale of new york feat kirsty maccoll
5. Metropolis
6. Thousands are sailing
7. Fiesta
8. Medley the recruiting sergeant / the rocky road to
9. Streets of sorrow/birmingham six
10.Lullaby of london
11.Sit down by the fire
12.The broad majestic shannon

LP2 Rum, Sodomy And The Lash (1985)
1. The sick bed of cuchulainn
2. The old main drag
3. Wild cats of kilkenny
4. I m a man you don t meet every day
5. A pair of brown eyes
6. Sally maclennane
7. Dirty old town
8. Jesse james
9. Navigator
10.Billy's bones
11.The gentleman soldier
12.The band played waltzing matilda


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